Join our CEO Peter Ferry on 15th June at Digital Leaders Week to learn how better data architecture can reduce fraud and improve citizen experience.
About this Talk
Collaboration is key to effectively running public sector services, but it can be complex and time-consuming. This leaves local authorities at risk of fraud, and fraud doesn’t come cheap. Costs to resolve issues are expensive and laborious.
However, there is an existing solution that vastly reduces the risk of fraud that local authorities are facing. Its name is Distributed Ledger Technology (also known as DLT).
Come along to this session to learn:
– How DLT can aid with fraud prevention for and between local authorities
– The opportunities for secure distributed technology in improving citizen experience
– Examples of smarter data architectures
About Peter Ferry, CEO of SICCAR and Honorary Consul of Estonia
Peter co-founded Microsoft Scotland and spent much of the dot com boom working in the large financial services institutions of Scotland, consulting on leading-edge web, infrastructure and security projects. Peter’s corporate career continued, ultimately leading Microsoft’s Cloud and Partner programs and building the Microsoft Technology Centre to demonstrate the business impact of disruptive tech. He served on the board of ScotlandIS from 2013 to 2015, is on the Westminster All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Blockchain and was primary author of “Scottish Government’s Digital Strategy: Distributed Ledger Technologies in Public Services”. Peter also was appointed the Honorary Consul for Estonia – a world-leader in digital government.
Peter has always been excited by leapfrog technologies which have the capability of reshaping the world. That’s why he founded SICCAR – to realise the potential of DLT for government and business. Peter has a passion for technology’s positive impact on society and government, learned from a period living in Estonia.