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We all know the importance of secure shared data, especially in ESG reporting.

Energy Transition Databox is an end-to-end solution that helps streamline the low-carbon journey of the oil and gas business and renewables sector.
Now, you have an unprecedented level of accuracy when tracking your direct and indirect emissions, and ultimate efficiency and security. Calculate, report and verifiably demonstrate emissions based on trusted data, and use analytics and insights to shape your future business.

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    Download our Energy Transition Databox brochure

    SICCAR is an enterprise shared data platform that gives organisations full control over how data is shared and used across their business ecosystem. Only SICCAR can enable trustworthy and secure records between organisations. Our blockchain based platform takes a unique approach to data security to ensure business data has built-in protection, with full compliance and verification.

    The Team

    “Collaboration at ecosystem scale is essential to enact the systemic change required for net zero. Until now, industry has lacked the technology needed to build trust and verify sustainability claims. We’re applying our unique data sharing technology to solve this problem across the energy value chain, ensuring our customers comply with regulations and meet their decarbonisation goals.”

    Jonathan Jones

    Growth Lead, SICCAR

    “Reducing Green House Gas emissions is a cornerstone of that energy transition, the Paris agreement set the stall for macro level targets, but as with all targets the devil is in the detail. To misquote Drucker, “if you don’t measure it, you can’t improve it”. This is where the challenge for scope 3 emissions falls down for many organisations, it gets side-lined to the “too hard to determine” bucket and excluded from emissions reporting and therefore reduction targets. It will remain impossible for the energy industry to avoid claims of greenwashing if comprehensive and auditable scope 3 emissions are not included in annual figures. We are supporting organisations understand, measure and utilise their emissions data to guide operational improvements.”

    Neil Rimmer

    Principal Consultant (Environmental & Sustainable Development), Vysus Group.

    At SICCAR we set out with the mission to change an industry.  Increasing company spend now flows into technology and services that looks internally to try and protect unknown and often unusable data value. The volume, variety and velocity of current information and the exponential need for companies to work together has forced the need for change. The investment and energy behind effective technology now more than ever needs focussed on improving trust and collaboration between organisations. We believe in security as a first line of defence and SICCAR is here to help build toward a better future. 

    Dominic McCann

    Chief Executive Officer, SICCAR

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