Improve Citizen Experience With Joined-Up Digital Services
SICCAR allows public sector bodies to share sensitive data though one trustworthy platform.
Connect, Streamline and Secure Public Sector Services
Citizens expect a joined-up experience when interacting with public sector organisations. Sharing sensitive information with different public sector organisations often results in data duplication. Data compliance and privacy concerns get in the way of public sector collaboration, and differing systems and policies create barriers to efficient data sharing.
SICCAR solves the challenge of data sharing with and between public sector bodies. Data is shared following a set of rules and has a full audit trail, with each department only seeing the minimum information they need to. Data is shared in real-time and not duplicated, minimising risk and maximising compliance. What’s more, with the citizens’ consent their information can be reused for similar public services. For local authorities, this means they have an effective tool in hand to better serve the public whilst reducing administrative overheads and instances of fraud.
If you are facing a data sharing challenge in digital public services, get in touch with our team to discuss the solution.
Case Studies
Scottish Government Digital Directorate
Improvement Service
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